Johannes Roth-Pollack-Parnau

Johannes Rudnay
Johannes Roth-Pollak-Parnau has acquired skills in the field of SAP and real estate management. He has gained extensive experience throughout his working life as a managing director and CFO in various companies. Johannes Roth realized the opportunity for real estate investments in other countries after having worked in the start-up of numerous production units in France for a family-owned production company and as a finance manager for SAP in Vienna for the Headquarters in Southern and Eastern Europe. In 2008 he founded a real estate investment club with a primary focus on investments in Austria, Germany and Eastern Europe.
Mr. Roth gained an MBA in financial management from the Open University UK. Along with success in the work field, Mr. Roth lives in Vienna with his wife and two stepchildren.
Founding partner and managing director of JR Partners founded 2015.
Johannes Rudnay has more than 20 years of experience in residential and commercial real estate investments. As the managing director of a listed real estate company, Johannes Rudnay, was responsible for the management and development of a listed real estate. Under his leadership, the company’s portfolio was doubled and various closed real estate funds of the Deutsche Bank’s subsidiary DWS were successfully structured and replaced. He had obtained his skills throughout his time as a managing director as well as a member of the supervisory board in various investment companies such as Conwert Immobilien Invest SE, KWG Kommunale Wohnen AG and Raiffeisen Zentralbank.
Mr. Rudnay holds an MBA from Grande Ecole ESC Rennes where he was awarded student of the year as well as an honours Bachelor in Business Management from Queen Margret University in Scotland. Mr. Rudnay is married with four children.
Founding partner and managing director of JR Partners founded 2015.

Johannes Roth-Pollack-Parnau
Johannes Roth-Pollak-Parnau has acquired skills in the field of SAP and real estate management. He has gained extensive experience throughout his working life as a managing director and CFO in various companies. Johannes Roth realized the opportunity for real estate investments in other countries after having worked in the start-up of numerous production units in France for a family-owned production company and as a finance manager for SAP in Vienna for the Headquarters in Southern and Eastern Europe. In 2008 he founded a real estate investment club with a primary focus on investments in Austria, Germany and Eastern Europe.
Mr. Roth gained an MBA in financial management from the Open University UK. Along with success in the work field, Mr. Roth lives in Vienna with his wife and two stepchildren.
Founding partner and managing director of JR Partners founded 2015.

Johannes Rudnay
Johannes Rudnay has more than 20 years of experience in residential and commercial real estate investments. As the managing director of a listed real estate company, Johannes Rudnay, was responsible for the management and development of a listed real estate. Under his leadership, the company’s portfolio was doubled and various closed real estate funds of the Deutsche Bank’s subsidiary DWS were successfully structured and replaced. He had obtained his skills throughout his time as a managing director as well as a member of the supervisory board in various investment companies such as Conwert Immobilien Invest SE, KWG Kommunale Wohnen AG and Raiffeisen Zentralbank.
Mr. Rudnay holds an MBA from Grande Ecole ESC Rennes where he was awarded student of the year as well as an honours Bachelor in Business Management from Queen Margret University in Scotland. Mr. Rudnay is married with four children.
Founding partner and managing director of JR Partners founded 2015.